Sensei Resources
Become A Virtual Sensei
Teach more and contribute to membership growth
Sensei Are Vital To Membership Growth
Members who take lessons are more likely to stay members
Join the Sensei Network
Teach more and contribute to membership growth
Many Chapters Lack Sensei
Lack of teachers often leads to membership attrition
Become A Virtual Sensei
Teach more and contribute to membership growth
Work or Health Issues Make Meeting Attendance Difficult
Virtual sensei can fill a need for members with these issues
Join the Sensei Network
Teach more and contribute to membership growth
Chapters May Only Have 1 School
Virtual sensei can enhance member engagement
Become A Virtual Sensei
Teach more and contribute to membership growth
Students May Wish To Sample A New School
Members who take lessons are more likely to stay members
Sensei and Demonstrators
Sensei Network FAQ's
- A member of I. I. (in chapter or at-large)
- Actively teaching
- virtually or in person,
- more than 1 student and offering at least 6 lessons per yr.
- or new teacher seeking students
- virtually or in person,
- Must be willing to teach or demonstrate outside of home chapter
- Be a teacher in a recognized school
- school must have on official website or equivalent way to provide internet access to school information
- School must have a path for students to advance from beginner to more advanced levels and eventually teacher level.
- We ask that teachers provide a certificate (or copy thereof) to their home chapter of their schools’ accreditation to teach.
- Recognizing there are approximately 300 schools of Ikebana, we will attempt to list any school.
- Complete the Profile Form
- Email form to [email protected]

Update Your Current Listing
- Email updates or corrections to your Sensei Profile to [email protected]
- Want your own website? Free or low cost? Contact the Digital Presence Committee.