Tech Tips

All About Canva

View the Digital Presence Committee presentation on using Canva, a free website for creating Facebook posts, brochures, presentations, newsletters, flyers and so much more.  Click here

Follow up meeting w/more tips and ideas

Canva Shortcuts

QR Code generator

Background Remover


Everything you need to know about Gmail including 2-step verification and how to forward, delegate and transfer the chapter email address to others on our board.

Video Demo

Setting up 2 step verification on Gmail. (Passcode: Dv4gmail)

2 Step Verification

More info on 2 step verification

Managing Chapter Email Instructions

Document on 'How to transfer gmail account ownership, allow access to a delegate, and set up mail-forwading'

Video - Managing Chapter Email

Video of Digital Presence Committee Meeting presentation

Document - Managing Chapter Email

Powerpoint of Digital Presence Committee Meeting presentation

Step-By-Step Gmail Forwarding

'How-to" video of setting up gmail forwarding

Managing E-Mail distribution lists.

'How-to" set up your chapter's email distribution list

Digital Photo Storage

Suggestions on where to store, name, and organize your Chapter’s photos.

Photo Storage

Video of Digital Presence Committee presentation on photo storage

Photo Storage Powerpoint PDF

Powerpoint presentation from Digital Presence Committee presentation on photo storage

Website SEO

How to make sure Google can find your Chapter or Teacher Website by working on Search Engine Optimization.

SEO Meeting Video

Digital Presence Committee meeting video on Search Engine Optimization.(passcode is aSEO5j)

Updating A Chapter Website

Where to start when thinking about updating your Chapter website

Updating Website Presentation

Powerpoint presentation from Digital Presence Committee presentation updating a Chapter website

SEO Meeting PDF

Digital Presence Committee powerpoint on SEO

Useful Websites That....

  • Compress files
  • Convert files
  • Edit photos
  • Create graphics
  • Create QR codes

Free Digital Resources

Most of these websites are free but many offer moderate to advanced options at a fee. Many appear to have a cost but actually sometimes what you are seeing is an advertisement for the same free website or a competitor.

Ikebana Photography Tips

How to take better photos of arrangements to use for social media.

Smart Phone Photo Editing

Slide deck of how-to edit photos using your smart phone

All About Google Drive

Presentations from the NCAR Digital Presence Committee

Chapter Historians & Secretaries Forum

To view the video of this forum discussion, click here

To read the minutes from this session, click here

How To Use Wise To Pay Chapter Dues

Boot Camp Summer 2023 Presentation